Welcome to AL-ARQAM

AL-ARQAM is a mosque located in the heart of Kettering, providing a place of worship and community for Muslims in the area. We offer 5 daily prayers and Madrasah classes for boys and girls. Our Mosque is a welcoming and inclusive space for all members of the community, and we strive to promote unity and understanding among people of all backgrounds. Come visit us and learn more about our vibrant community!


Kettering Muslim Association (KMA) was established in the early 1980s. The earliest Islamic gathering was in 1982 with no more than 10 people. For over 20 years the Muslim in Kettering have struggled to develop a centre for their religious and community activities. By the Grace of Allah, in 2008, a building (123 Headlands) was purchased and planning permission granted for a faith based community centre. Unlike many other towns and cities in the UK with a Muslim population, Kettering has never had such a centre. Alhamdu-lillah now KMA serves over 500 Muslims in Kettering. The Muslim community is a mixture of Asian, Arabs, African and European ethnicities. The centre currently provides Jamaats for the five daily salah and also Madrassah classes, community Events and Charity office.

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